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Easy Sustainable Swaps

Easy Sustainable Swaps that Make a Difference

It’s always the right time to start thinking about ways in which to adopt easy sustainable swaps that make a real difference to the environment, without compromising on your lifestyle! Being more eco-friendly and conscious about your impact on the environment doesn't mean that you have to cut things out. Instead, consider some more environmentally-friendly alternatives.

Keep reading to discover 7 easy sustainable swaps that will help make a real difference to the planet:

1. Eco-Friendly Food Bags

Plastic zip-lock bags are a common feature in most household kitchens. They're super handy when it comes to storing leftovers, or packing lunches. However, these non-reusable items of plastic go straight in the bin after one use and you move onto the next. There are now some brilliant eco friendly alternatives that can be washed and reused time and time again, still fulfilling their purpose without the negative impact on the environment. A quick google of eco-friendly and reusable food bags will help you commit to this easy sustainable swap!

2. Reusable Drinks Bottles

Swapping plastic bottles for reusable versions is not a new concept, but it’s still something that so many of us are guilty of not doing! Investing in a metal, glass, or even plastic bottle that is designed to be reusable, helps to save a considerable number of plastic bottles reaching landfill. 

3. Reusable Coffee Cups

Coffee to go? Make it an eco-friendly one! Invest in a reusable coffee cup to minimise the waste of a non-reusable one supplied by most coffee shops. Many businesses even offer a discount as an incentive to bring your own, so your bank balance will thank you too!

4. Reusable Shopping Bags

Plastic bags are a huge source of waste and detriment to the environment. Using the likes of reusable canvas bags means that you no longer need to ask for a plastic bag with your shopping - food, clothing or otherwise! Try to get into the habit of keeping one with you at all times, or even better, keep one at home, one in your car, and one in your bag to make this sustainable swap an easy one! 

5. Homemade Cleaning Products

Ditch the plastic cleaning products containing toxins, and try your hand at making some easy DIY cleaning products. For example, create a solution of equal parts white wine vinegar and water. Add drops of your favourite essential oil and you have an effective sustainable swap for plastic cleaning products! Click here to view more DIY cleaning solutions.

6. Slow Fashion Over Fast Fashion

It’s no secret that the fashion industry has a huge impact on the environment. The rise of ‘fast fashion’ has meant a rise in brands that don’t favour sustainable, or ethical in some cases, practices when it comes to making and distributing their garments. In fact, the fashion industry is the second biggest pollutant of water. You can help to make a difference by minimising purchases from fast fashion brands, and instead taking a more ‘slow fashion’ approach to invest in capsule pieces that are designed to last, from brands investing in sustainable practices. 

We built our brand and cashmere collection around sustainability, achieving an established accreditation that upholds sustainable practices in the cashmere industry. Sustainability isn’t the easiest or cheapest choice for brands, but it’s certainly the right one!

7. Metal Razors

Plastic razors are something you may not consider when it comes to lowering your impact on the environment. However, many razors are disposable and difficult to recycle due to a mix of metals and different materials among the plastic. As the negative impact of disposable razors has become more well-known, some fantastic brands and initiatives have launched to help with the problem. FFS is one of these - a razor subscription service supplying a metal razor that can be used for, well, forever! They deliver razors to your door, and you can send your used razors back to them to be recycled. It’s not only a great eco-friendly swap, but it’s also easier for you as a consumer, as you don’t need to think twice about replacing your razor! Check them out here.

Although sustainable swaps may require an initial purchase of a new product, such as a reusable cup or tote bag, it should still save you money in the long-run in addition to helping the environment! 

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